Doris Florig Weaving


Doris Florig with Weaving and Felted Goat


Fiber Artist Specializing in Tapestry and Fiber Sculpture


Since the early 1970s, I  have been experimenting with the unlimited possibilities of fiber and wool. I have designed and created fiber sculptures and woven tapestries for both indoor and outdoor locations, allowing the surroundings and the people who share those spaces to be my inspiration. Using fibers to sculpt and weave the environment I see around me to show and help people appreciate and value the world around us.

I have spent a lifetime exploring the use of fiber, from growing my own flax on a hillside in Vermont, sitting with Cree Indian weavers on the James Bay or watching men weave fishnets in Haiti. These experiences had the power to show me that fiber is my connection to people, places and time.


I never seem to get frustrated or stuck, I just keep moving. When things get difficult I just go with the flow. I weave the way I flow through life, my weavings just evolve. I am surrounded by projects in progress and don’t feel any pressure to complete them. They will eventually get done, it just takes time. Sometimes I have to wait for the reaction or relaxation of the fibers to show me what to do next. I don’t waste time being frustrated. I move on to something else, come back later and continue. I use past experiences to build and grow into something new. Eventually, everything falls into place. I just keep weaving.